Greater Eastside Ostomy Support Group
Support Group Meetings
Upcoming meetings:
We are currently meeting virtually via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month
This zoom account is sponsored by The North Sound Ostomy Group, who have generously lent our group its use.
The link to their website is: https://www.northsoundostomy.org/
Please contact Nancy @ Nancyupton8@gmail.com to be included in the email for the meeting information.

It's a long road to take alone. Come and join us to share the ride.
Members and non-members are invited to bring their partners, family members and friends.
An ostomy RN/NP will be present at each meeting.
Some members of our group participated in the Lake Meridian Triathlon as team members of Ostomy United. Many congratulations to the members who participated and many thanks to the very supportive and quite boisterous supporters (Ostomy United Hooligans) that were there to cheer them on. Ostomy United is also participating in the Black Diamond Triathlon with a relay team. We are so proud of our OU team!
Welcome back after our summer break and welcome to new ostomates to the group.
Round table discussion on differing types of ostomy supplies being used by individuals, especially those who are very active in sports; i.e. swimming, running, biking.
Membership drive initiation. GEOSG is now requesting members to sign up as group members and pay an annual dues fee to help defray costs incurred.
Jeff Osborn, an ostomate since birth, shares his eight month travel experiences throughout Asia, New Zealand and Australia. He is an inspiring individual who has not allowed his ostomy to slow him down.
Welcome to new members.
Discussions on new products
Question & Answer period
Fellow Ostomate and Psychologist, presents “Emotional and physical adjustments following ostomy surgery”
Open Forum: Welcome to new members. Discussions on new products Question & Answer period
Management of common parastomal skin issues
Laura Vadman, RN, WOCN: Management of common parastomal skin issues
Laura presented a comprehensive presentation on the concerns and the specific care for several parastomal issues. There was great input from members and what they have found to be useful.
Welcome to new members!
Nutrition and Ostomy
Susan Baker will be sharing information on some new products that Coloplast has introduced.
Note: Change of venue. We will be meeting in the DeYoung Pavilion instead of our normal meeting room.
Physical Therapist
DeYoung Pavilion, 2nd floor
12039 NE 128th St, Kirkland
June 1, 2016
Welcome to new members
Discussion on the upcoming UOAA convention in August 2017. We are encouraging all members to consider going to the convention next year.
Election of board members will take place in September. Anyone interested in being part of the Board should contact Laurie Cameron.
Reminder of the upcoming social on July 23rd at Laura & Steve Vadman's residence. An email reminder with Laura's address will be esent in early July.
July 23, 2016
Our summer social is scheduled for July 23rd at 5:00. Everyone will receive an email reminder prior to the date with the address for the event.
Please bring a dish to pass; i.e. salad, appetizer, dessert, side dish.
If you are new to the group and have not been added to the email list, please contact Laurie Cameron at 206-919-0152 or lauriecmrn@gmail.com for information.
GEOSG participates in another successful outing at the Lake Meridian Triathlon!
Team Ostomy United-Washington participated in the Lake Meridian Triathlon for the second year in a row on Saturday. And for the second year in a row the Team took the Medal Podium.
In the Olympic distance Tri Relay, the Ostomy United Semi-Colons consisting of Team Founder Ted Vosk and WOC Nurse Quyen Stevenson took 2nd Place, while ostomate Dave Maltos and founding member Kristine Vosk took 5th place in the Sprint Distance Tri Relay. Other milestones included ostomate Tom T. Davis finishing his 91st triathlon while ostomates Shawn Forsyth and Susan Freeman participated in their first. Five ostomates competed in this year’s event for Ostomy United and once again, every one finished like a champion. Congratulations to Team Ostomy United–Washington on your second outstanding season. And thank you for demonstrating once again that THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN'T DO!!!
Check out the video made byt the UOAA for Ostomy Awareness Day

GEOSG 2015-2016 Meetings
GEOSG 2015 Meetings
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Our guest speaker was Dr. Peter Justus, MD, Dr. Justus is the author of "The Pursuit of the Personal Renaissance Experience: Finding Opportunities for Happiness in the Ever-Present Now."
We would like to thank Dr. Justus for his great insight and for sharing his journey in his personal pursuit for happiness.
General Discussion:
Laura Vadman brought in brochures to be used by Team Ostomy United for the upcoming Lake Meridian Triathlon. (See Team Ostomy United page for a copy of the brochure.) She will be dsitributuing this brochure to ostomy clinics, various WOCNs, physicians' offices and other support groups.
Laurie Cameron presented a draft of a website for the support group. The website should be up and running within the next week or so.
Sandi Newton, fellow ostomate, introduced a new product of her design, called Cool Wafer. This product is designed to help keep you cool and comfortable in warmer weather. The wafer is reusable and is designed to go into the freezer prior to use. Then it is place between the ostomy wafer and pouch. This wafer is meant to keep your skin cool and comfortable. Contact Sandi at Cool Wafer if you are interested in learning more about this new product.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Open forum discussion:
Welcome to visitors and new members.
Personal accounts of recent surgeries, upcoming surgeries & treatments.
Team Ostomy United update on upcoming Lake Meridian Triathlon in August
Ted Vosk related information about registrations for the race; possible race course tour for participants; setting up team training for those that are interested.
Anyone interested in participating in the race or volunteering as support personnel for Team Ostomy United, please contact Ted Vosk at tvosk@comcast.net.
A member presented a new product that he used post-operatively for the control of nausea. The product is called Queae Ease. This is an inhaler of essential oils. The member related that the product was extremely effective.
Discussion of upcoming agendas for the next 2-3 months.
New website available at www.geosg.org
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Third Anniversary Celebration
Ostomate Fashion Show
Showing off some great looks
Open forum discussion:
Welcome to visitors and new members.
Personal accounts of recent surgeries, upcoming surgeries & treatments.
Team Ostomy United update on upcoming Lake Meridian Triathlon in August
Discussion of upcoming agendas for the next 2-3 months.
Check out the new website available at www.geosg.org
Anniversary Cake and goodies!
July 25, 2015
Summer BBQ
Our annual summer BBQ was held at Steve & Laura's home again this year. Thank you to a couple of very gracious hosts! There was a good turn out this year and we are so happy that some of our new ostomate members were able to join us.
Great food and wonderful people makes for a very successful annual get together. A special thank you to all of the WOCN nurses that came. We appreciate you so much.
Let's do this again next year!