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Welcome to the

Greater Eastside Ostomy Support Group

Our Mission:

The Greater Eastside Ostomy Support Group is a volunteer-based health organization dedicated to assisting ostomates and their families, and individuals who have had or will have an ostomy. 


We are an Affliated Support Group of the United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. (


We are located in the eastside suburb of Seattle, Washington.


Our Goals:

  • To provide educational opportunities and support for people with a Colostomy, Ileostomy or Urostomy.

  • To provide education and support for individuals and their families. 

  • To provide information for the public.


Founded in 2012


Upcoming meetings:



February 7, 2024


Meetings are held at Evergreen Hospital Tan Building which is located across the street from the Central Entrance.

If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to attend virtually through Zoom . 


Please contact Nancy @  to be included in the email for the meeting information.


​Go to the Meetings Tab for  additional meeting details, social events & locations


Affiliated with:

The Greater Eastside Ostomy Support Group does not provide medical advice.  Please consult your physician or ostomy nurse prior to using any new products or medications.

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